Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 3: The green movement

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  1. combustion conservation depletion promotion geothermal biomass pathway sustainability habitat dispose 1. The continued ___ of our ozone layer may cause terrible destruction to our planet. 2. Since the ___ is made from plant life, it’s a source of energy that can be recreated. 3. Iceland is actually a relatively warm and comfortable place to live, since it is heated by ___ activity. 4. The committee is developing ___ standards for products that use energy. 5. Poisonous gases are produced during fossil fuel ___. 6. The natural ___ of the panda bear is the bamboo forest. 7. Hard work will smooth your ___ to success. 8. The major environmental issue in Fiji is how to ___ of waste materials in a responsible manner. 9. Jacqueline just got a ___ at work, and that means she will get a good raise as well. 10. From the earliest times, the ___ of water has been one of the serious cares of the Arabs. III. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words from the box. organic conserve dispose destroy promote deplete 1. The ___ policy saved the animals that were at risk. 2. The ___ of the world's fresh water supplies will reach a crisis over the next few years. 3. The ink cartridge for this computer printer is supposedly ___, but you can save money simply by refilling it. 4. He will never get a ___ in this company because he is simply too lazy. 5. With the ___ of the forests in Burundi, many wild animals have lost their natural habitat. 6. Our local grocery store is now selling ___ -grown fruit and vegetables. IV. Fill in each gap in the sentences with ONE suitable word. 1. When hiking in the wilderness, it is important to properly ___ of anything you can't pack out. 2. We buy ___ food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health. 3. Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees for many years in their native ___ in Africa. 4. ___ is the protection of things found in nature. 5. The doctor said the vitamin would ___ my calcium deficiency. 6. Nick left the house and strolled down the ___ to the garden. 7. If we continue to ___ our natural resources, our children will pay the price. 8. Do you know the oldest type of sustainable energy is the ___ that is derived from plant matter? V. Complete the following sentences, using which and the sentences given (A-F). A. This helps them get more contracts. B. This can help many people to make their houses greener. C. This helps them make positive public relations. D. This helps it go green more easily. E. This helps the power company supply electricity to remote areas. F. This can make customers prefer green products. 1. Our house generates more solar energy than it uses, ___ ___
  2. In these times of growing urbanization, there are people who choose to escape from cities and live a simpler, cleaner life. We talked to Lillian Harper, from Canada. “We use solar panels and a wind turbine to heat the house and produce electricity. But we still have to save energy so we wash our clothes ourselves, without a washing machine, and we cook on a wood stove which also heats up the water in which we wash ourselves. To save wood, we and our neighbours cook for each other. It’s great to think about others and not just yourself. Our biggest challenge is entertainment. You can’t stay up late watching TV because that uses a lot of energy. I didn’t use to watch television a lot but my father missed football games at first and my mother can’t watch fashion shows. My brothers and I can’t play computer games or listen to their iPods all the time - we need new ideas to amuse ourselves. Surprisingly, we have found that life without electric gadgets is quite liberating. We read more, we talk to each other and we spend more time outside.” Task 1. Find a word in the passage that means: 1. a machine that receives its power from a wheel: ___ 2. equipment for cooking food: ___ 3. something that needs a lot of effort: ___ 4. small tools or devices: ___ 5. making you feel free: ___ Task 2. Read the statements and decide whether they are true (T), or false (F), or not given (NG). T F NG 1. They use energy from alternative sources. 2. Solar panels and the wind turbine don’t supply sufficient energy. 3. Lillian’s family and the neighbours have meals together. 4. They didn’t have a washing machine. 5. They take a bath with cold water to save wood. 6. Entertainment becomes the biggest challenge they face. 7. They have less communication due to lack of entertainment. 8. They have more healthy activities. II. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. The Urban Gardener Cities are home to skyscrapers and apartment buildings, and it’s rare to find wide, open spaces within them. With limited space for parks and gardens, architects and city planners often find it challenging to incorporate greenery into neighbourhoods. One creative solution is to grow plants on unused areas like walls or rooftops. It’s a popular idea, and now rooftop gardens and green walls have been spouting up in cities around the world. There are many benefits to having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment - what was once a grey cement wall can become a colourful, blooming garden. The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example - one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species. In other cities, green walls are being used more functionally, to cover up construction sites and empty buildings and to prominently decorate the lobbies of office buildings. Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer. Buildings and roads absorb the sun’s heat and hold it. causing a building or neighbourhood to stay warmer longer. Plants, on the other hand, provide an enormous amount of shade. There is evidence that growing a roof or wall garden can lower a building’s energy costs. Many cities offer tax discounts to businesses with these features.
  3. Cities Get Clean by Going Green When people hear the word “city”, they usually imagine concrete, neon signs, and lots of air pollution. Thanks to some clever and concerned architects, this image is starting to change. The concept of green cities aims to bring some beauty from rural environments into urban areas. It is not only about looking better though. Green cities are also trying to improve the efficiency of cities and raise the standard of living for people who stay in them. The term “green cities” refers to cities where builders take into account several environmental factors before that city is constructed or redesigned. For starters, green cities are designed to be more physically appealing than traditional cities from the past. In addition, the mobility of vegetables, and meat directly to the public. If you have any questions about the production process or quality of these goods, you can ask the farmers directly. Once you experience the freshness of local foods for yourself, it might be tough to go back to the supermarket. 1. The author says that ___ is the best-kept secret. A. foreign foods B. exotic foods C. local produce D. other people 2. The word “this” in the second paragraph refers to. A. how far a product travels before it reaches you B. the smell of bananas when they first arrive C. the difference between local and imported foods D. the total transportation cost during the journey 3. According to the passage, what is one reason why local foods taste better? A. They cost more money. B. They are wrapped in plastic. C. They are more interesting. D. They are fresher than imports. 4. What could best replace the word "beneficial” in the third paragraph? A. helpful B. bad C. strange D. unknown 5. When we choose local produce, we can have better food safety because ___. A. laws of food safety are the same throughout the world B. we have enough information about the farmers and the fields to produce food C. it is easy for us to detect if any harmful pesticides were used D. local produce is always with the lowest level of contamination 6. All of the following are the advantages of local open markets in your community EXCEPT that ___. A. you can buy directly from local farmers B. you can ask farmers questions about the production process C. you can experience the freshness of local produce easily D. you can incorporate more nutritious foods into your diet 7. What happens when consumers buy from local farmers instead of from middlemen? A. Farmers can take better care of their community. B. Middlemen don't make as much money. C. Farmers can get in trouble from the government. D. Consumers can become wealthy quite easily. 8. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT that ___. A. imported foods from abroad don't have good taste B. imported foods must be processed to survive the long journey C. local produce is often fresher and tastier than imported foods D. the trend to purchase local produce has risen recently 9. What is another good title for the passage? A. Some Basic Information about Importing Food B. Some Tasty Recipes to Try with Local Foods C. A Day in the Life of a Farmer
  4. II. Complete the conversation about going green at home and at school, using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones. A. I think libraries should offer to loan CDs or DVDs to learn English and other subjects. B. Not only are people reducing the number of chemicals inside their home, they are looking to find solutions for natural body care. C. Making natural cleaner with just vinegar and baking soda is going to blow our mind. D. If you’re trying to save money on your energy bills, getting rid of the dryer can be a quick solution. E. Just boil the amount of water you need for one cup of tea, rather than half a kettle full. F. Rather than spend at the store, we can use what if left in our neighbourhood to reuse and make things. G. Although they are a bit more expensive, we can save up to ten times their price over their lifetime. Nick: Our group is going to present green activities at home and at school. We have to jot down the details. Phong: We just start with traveling. We should cycle or walk instead of using motorbike and get some exercise. Nick: It takes us some money to go to the gym, but cycling to school costs nothing. Phong: We can start a walking group so that we won’t be late for school. Anyway, we can save money with each cup of coffee or tea. (1) ___ ___ Nick: In the kitchen, we should also use a lid on saucepans and save energy and money with every meal. Phong: And we can cut the cost of cleaning. (2) ___ ___ Nick: We should borrow textbooks from the libraries because we only use them for one year. Phong: (3)___ ___ Nick: I agree with you. It can save us money too. How about conserving energy? Phong: We should switch to energy-saving light bulbs. (4) ___ ___ Nick: Besides the lights, if we remove the dust that builds up under the fridge, this simple action of cleaning can improve efficiency by 15-20%. Phong: Good idea. (5) ___ ___ We can hang clothes to dry outside or inside the home. E. WRITING I. The following text is about the advantages and disadvantages of green buildings. Put the missing sentences in the appropriate gaps. There is one extra. A. The construction costs are the same as a standard building and sometimes they cost a little bit more as they require special materials to be built. B. Since these buildings depend on the sun for energy, they need to be located in position that will have the best sun exposure. C. These buildings run on heat to generate power, so they are not designed for hot areas. D. So shipping these materials can then cost a lot than a standard building. E. Many countries are now adopting the green building concepts and other countries are on their way to join the flock too. F. These buildings save energy more than those built out of bricks. Green Buildings: Advantages and Disadvantages
  5. ___ ___ Besides, menu planning and shopping for organic or green foods can also be time-consuming, especially if you live in an area that lacks the proper resources, such as a farmer's market or natural foods store. Environmental Impact (4) ___ ___ For instance, while alternative fuels are intended to reduce the toxic emissions caused by the burning of traditional gasoline, they may have unintentionally caused the opposite effect. (5) ___ ___ III. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. Better Quality of Life 1. Living a green life/ actually/ offer/ us/ better quality/ life/ earth. ___ ___ 2. Two important principles/ going green/ conservation/ reduction/ consumption and waste. ___ ___ 3. We/ make effort/ reduce/ negative impact/ environment. ___ ___ 4. With a greener planet/ we/ enjoy/ biodiversity/ plants/ animals. ___ ___ 5. Green technologies/ offer/ us/ eco-friendly products/ services/ so that/ we/ follow/ green lifestyle. ___ ___ TEST 1 (UNIT 3) I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. renewable B. deplete C. replenish D. preservation 2. A. mild B. mildew C. mile D. pile 3. A. dispose B. soot C. lifestyle D. conserve II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. A. habitat B. promotion C. bronchitis D. replenish 5. A. benefit B. organic C. generate D. biomass III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. Water ___ is essential during the summer months. A. depletion B. conservation C. purification D. pathway 7. An example of ___ is plant material that produces electricity with steam. A. biomass B. fossil fuel C. energy D. power 8. There was no food in the refrigerator, so she had to visit the grocery store to ___ their supply. A. replace B. make full C. fulfill D. replenish
  6. VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Simple ways you can help to make a difference During high school, it’s easy to become stressed in balancing a number of (26) ___. But between all the stress and pressure of keeping up with your various activities, it’s important to contribute to the community, and make (27) ___ to protect the environment. So here are a few tips on ways you and other teens can “go green.” One of the easiest ways teens can go green is simply to turn off the lights. Open up the curtains and (28) ___ the natural sunlight brighten up the room, or turn off the lights and fans when you leave a room that no one else is in. Studies have indicated that (29) ___ electricity helps to reduce global warming. Another way to go green is to use your bike, or walk. Using your bike or walking reduces carbon (30) ___, and it is a great way to exercise. Therefore, by riding a bike or walking, not only are you helping the environment, you are (31) ___ contributing to your own health. You could also try (32) ___ a reusable water bottle. Buying a reusable bottle is a smart investment because not only plastic water bottles often go un-recycled, but buying a reusable water bottle can actually save you money over buying plastic bottles over and over again as well. Another great idea is to (33) ___ your computer and all other electronics before you go to bed, or after you are done using them. Although you may no longer be using your computer, it stills uses electricity in small amounts that add up. Finally, you can go green by turning off the faucet. Many people leave the faucet (34) ___ while they brush their teeth, but this is just wasting water. Turning the faucet off (35) ___ you brush your teeth can save the world a lot of water. 26. A. forces B. prohibitions C. regulationsD. obligations 27. A. achievements B. efforts C. contributions D. dedications 28. A. let B. allow C. help D. try 29. A. keeping B. cutting C. producingD. conserving 30. A. emissions B. cycles C. releases D. storage 31. A. completely B. positively C. hopefullyD. reluctantly 32. A. to buy B. buying C. being boughtD. to be bought 33. A. discharge B. uncover C. remove D. unplug 34. A. to run B. to be run C. having run D. running 35. A. before B. after C. while D. until VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Make Home A Little Nicer Some people think that if they don’t have a yard, they can’t keep a garden. Fortunately, that’s not true. For people who live in apartment buildings, there is another option: rooftop gardens. A rooftop garden is just a garden that you keep on your roof. Rooftop gardens are very popular in cities. Most building roofs go to waste - people don't use that space for anything. Putting a garden on your roof is a nice way to turn an empty space into something that is pretty and relaxing. Rooftop gardens are not a new idea. About 2.600 years ago, people in Ancient Mesopotamia planted rooftop gardens. There were similar gardens in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. These gardens had a very important purpose. Many ancient cities had walls. If an enemy army attacked the city, the people hid behind the walls. The enemy army usually tried to destroy the city’s food, so the people in the city kept their gardens on top of their walls. That way. they could continue to grow food. Today’s rooftop gardens don't keep us alive, but they still have nice benefits. Plants absorb heat, so if there are a lot of them on a rooftop, they make the whole building cooler. As a result, people in the building use the air conditioning less, which means they use less electricity. One study said that if every roof in Tokyo had a garden, the city would save more than a million dollars a day on electricity.
  7. Mai: Sure. (42) ___ ___ Kevin: We should buy products that will last and take care of them. How about reusing in the kitchen? Mai: (43) ___ ___ Kevin: What about recycling, Mai? Mai: (44) ___ ___ Kevin: It consists of glass, paper products, aluminum, cardboard, and so on. Mai: That’s right. (45) ___ ___ IX. Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. Benefits of Going Green 46. When/ we/ conserve/ energy/ resources/ we/ help/ reduce/ amount/ money/ spent/ energy/ resources. ___ ___ 47. By sending unwanted items/ recycling/ buying recycled products/ we/ conserve energy/ reduce raw materials. ___ ___ 48. Valuable land/ landfills/ now be used/ other purposes. ___ ___ 49. A green life/ lead/ fresher atmosphere/ cleaner environment/ better health. ___ ___ 50. By keeping our environment cleaner/ we/ actually building/ healthier environment/ ourselves/ and/ future generations. ___ ___ TEST 2 (UNIT 3) I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. biomass B. mould C. problem D. dispose 2. A. asthma B. habitat C. biomass D. safer 3. A. combustion B. conservation C. purification D. pollution II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. A. sustainable B. geothermal C. replenishment D. organically 5. A. respiratory B. initiative C. eco-friendly D. renewable III.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. It is stated that we are now in the first stages of a battle for the ___ of life on the Earth. A. purification B. sustainability C. conservation D. responsibility 7. In Mexico and Central America, more than 65% of the natural ___ of the jaguar has been destroyed, mainly due to farming and deforestation. A. area B. habitat C. ground D. soil
  8. ___ 24. He looks thin. Actually, he is very healthy. ___ ___ 25. You will spend at least one year working abroad. You can find out how things operate overseas. ___ ___ VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The oceans of the world are precious because of (26) ___ they do for all life on the Earth. They help regulate the temperature of the planet, and they are home to a myriad of sea creatures - many of which we depend on (27) ___ sources of food. However, due to our consumption and improper disposal of plastic items, human beings have created a swirling (28) ___ of garbage. The one located in the Pacific is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and it is not a pretty (29) ___. We all use little pieces of plastic on a daily (30) ___. and most of the time we don’t even notice that we are doing it. Any time you walk into a(n) (31) ___ store and buy a bottled or canned drink, the clerk will offer you a straw to drink with it. We happily sip drinks out of plastic bottles with our plastic straws, and then (32) ___ of the container and the straw when we are finished. In an ideal world, all of the plastic would be recycled and there would be zero waste. This is not the case, however, and a huge amount of the plastic ends up making its (33) ___ to our oceans due to carelessness. (34) ___ the plastic is part of rain runoff coming from a landfill or just a thoughtless discard of a piece of plastic onto the ground, if it ends up in the Pacific Ocean, it will eventually become part of the disgusting patch of garbage. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch may be impossible to (35) ___. but it is doing a lot of harm to sea life. If anything, we can do our best to avoid over-using plastic. 26. A. whichB. that C. how D. what 27. A. asB. like C. for D. with 28. A. dirtB. untidiness C. messD. problem 29. A. sight B. view C. landscape D. scene 30. A. fact B. method C. basicD. basis 31. A. convenient B. convenience C. business D. open 32. A. throw B. approve C. dispose D. discharge 33. A. route B. direction C. way D. road 34. A. either B. whether C. neither D. if 35. A. clean B. clear C. clean up D. clear away VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Clean, Convenient, and Cheap Big cities like New York and London have a lot of great things. They have museums, parks, shopping centres, and a huge variety of restaurants. However, there are a lot of annoying things in big cities. The most common problems are air pollution and noise. Traffic is the main cause of air pollution and noise. For example, drivers in New York are famous for honking their horns and shouting. That noise drives many visitors crazy - it even drives a lot of the locals crazy, too. Other big cities have similar problems with their traffic. City governments have a lot of pressure to solve these problems. The most common solution is public transportation. Public transportation is a form of travel provided by the government. For example, New York’s biggest form of public transportation is the subway.