Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 4: The mass media

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 4: The mass media

  1. A. rely on B. try on C. put on D. hold on 46. The library reduced the number of print newspapers and magazines that they 34. The pie chart shows the preferred forms of communication recorded in a used to subscribe to. survey in Intel Secondary School in August 2014. A. increased B. decreased C. rose D. fell A. carried out B. carried on C. carried away D. carried up 47. Using social networks helps you keep in touch with friends and family any 35. Her latest bestseller last month. time. A. came out B. went out C. pulled out D. broke out A. put up with B. keep track of 36. I saw the interview while I was through a magazine at the hairdresser's. C. lose touch with D. catch up with A. clicking B. picking C. flicking D. ticking 48. They had the volume turned down, so I couldn't make out what they were 37. The tabloids completely that story about Bruce Willis. It's not true at all. talking about. A. stood out B. filed in C. made up D. turned over A. reduced the noise B. increased the noise 38. In the early 21st century, with the of mobile communication technology, C. limited the noise D. controlled the noise the mobile phone has emerged as a new and unique channel. 49. Teenagers can become addicted to social networking if they can't control A. explosion B. explosive C. exploitation D. exploration they spend online. 39. I'm amazed that the tabloids which are full of rubbish have such big A. dependent on B. hooked on C. indifferent to D. exhausted by A. headlines B. articles C. supplements D. circulations 50. New electronic devices have been developed to cater to users' ever-changing 40. A(n) sends reports from a particular part of the world or on a particular needs. subject. A. changeable B. unstable C. constant D. predictable A. editor B. correspondent C. columnist D. proprietor PART III. GRAMMAR Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. each of the following questions. 41. Each form of mass media has an important impact on society. 51. Linda only the film after she the book. A. influence B. pressure C. affection D. role A. understood – read B. understood - had read 42. The programme invited viewers to write in with their ideas. C. had understood – read D. understood - was reading A. people who watch the programme 52. you ever on TV before you in this reality show? B. people who sponsor the programme A. Had appeared - took part B. Have appeared - took part C. people who produce the programme C. Did appear - had taken part D. Would appear - took part D. people who edit the programme 53. I wasn't sure how Belinda would react because I her long. 43. Journalists can make mistakes, so don't believe everything you read in the A. didn't know B. wasn't knowing press. C. hadn't been knowing D. hadn't known A. publications B. news bulletins 54. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he C. reference books D. newspapers and magazines A. was already left B. already left 44. Face-to-face socializing is not as preferred as virtual socializing among the C. had already been leaving D. had already left youth. 55. When we to the airport, I realized that I my passport at home. A. Direct B. Facial C. Available D. Instant A. got - had left B. got - was left C. got - left D. had got - had left 45. She thinks that unfortunately they may not understand the benefits of online 56. He the umbrella in his right hand trying to keep his balance. information. A. hold B. held A. advantages B. points C. features D. amounts C. has been holding D. has held Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE 57. When I met Walters about two years before his death he didn't seem satisfied. in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. He no major book since he settled in Uganda.
  2. D 92. A: Is there anything worth watching on the telly tonight? 83. One of the sad moments of the cruise was saying goodbye to Mel, who had B: sailed with us since we had set A B A. Yes, that's a good idea. C B. No, it's all repeats again. sail but whose health problems forced him to leave us at Lagos. C. Yes, there's an action film shown at the cinema. D D. No, there's just an article on love stories. 84. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise, he had 93. A: I really don't like chat shows very much. found another way out. A B C B: D A. Yes, me too. B. Yes, so do I. C. No, nor do I. D. I do, either. 85. The lung cancer mortality rate rose six-fold in males when mass media started 94. A: Have you seen they've made Oliver Twist into a TV series? covering the health risks of A B B: C D A. Yes, there's a novel like that. smoking. B. Thanks, I'll see it. 86. Although the first printed books appeared long before in China, the term C. No, I don't like watching reality TV. “mass media" we use today AB D. Yes, it's on every Sunday for the next twelve weeks. was coined with the creation of printed media. 95. A: I want to record the MTV awards tonight. Could you set the video for me C D before we go out? 87. I had also seen most of the episodes, but I still like watching them in class B: with no subtitles when I was a A B C A. Yes, of course. Which channel is it on? D B. Yes, let's go to see it tonight. student. C. No, I prefer live concerts. 88. The crime rate in this city has increased from ten per cent last year to thirty D. No, I'm not into TV series. per cent by the end of 2009 A B 96. A: Do you think the match will be on TV later? due to the influx of the gang element. B: C D A. I can't agree with you. It's so dull. 89. The instructor advised the students what the procedures to follow in writing B. Yes, I'm a big fan of soap operas. the term paper. A B C C. Yes, of course. It's being shown live on BBC1. D D. No, I don't mind watching it. 90. Her father did not want her to make friends with Pete and Sally because they 97. A: Thanks a lot for fixing the computer for me! influenced on her badly, to his A B B: C D A. You will be welcome! B. It's my pleasure to help you! mind. C. Safe and sound! D. You must say again! PART IV. SPEAKING 98. A: Your new smartphone looks so nice! Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to B: each of the following exchanges. A. I'm glad you like it. B. Don't mention it. 91. A: What are you doing later? C. It doesn't matter. D. Don't worry about it. B: There's a program on that I really want to watch. 99. A: Would you like to come with me to the newsagent's? A. I'm staying in tonight. B. I'm going to the cinema with Tom. B: C. I'll go out for a drink. D. I'm going to go to bed early. A. No, I wouldn't. B. No, sorry. I don't like movies.
  3. REALITY TELEVISION 112. The word demeaning in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, A. valueless B. humiliating C. despising D. diminishing presents unscripted dramatic or humourous situations, documents actual events 113. According to the passage, Reality TV appeals to some because and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described A. it uses exotic locations as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has B. it shows eligible men dating women existed in some form or another since the early year of television, the current C. it can turn ordinary people into celebrities explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. D. it shows average people in exceptional circumstances Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from 114. According to the passage, the program “Pop Idol” games to quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes A. is more likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no Tsukai), B. turns all participants into celebrities to surveillance - or voyeurism - focused production such as Big Brother. C. is a dating show Critics say that the term "reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that D. is less likely to turn participants into celebrities than Big Brother such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, 115. Producers choose the participants with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coach A. to make an imaginary world to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen B. on the ground of talent manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques. C. to create conflict among other things Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in D. only for special-living-environment shows extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an 116. The term “reality television” is inaccurate eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary A. for talent and performance programs dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its B. for special-living-environment program participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance C. for all programs programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother D. for Big Brother and Survivor participants also reach some degree of celebrity. 117. The word fabricated in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an A. real B. imaginative C . imaginary D. isolated inaccurate description of several styles of program included in the genre. In 118. Which of the following in NOT true according to the passage? competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special- A. Shows like Survivor have good narratives. living-environment shows like the Real World, the producers design the format of B. Mark Burnett thinks the term "reality television” is inaccurate. the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a C. Reality television has been popular since well before 2000. completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers D. Japan has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere. specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this blanks. assessment, and avoids the word "reality” to describe his shows; he has said, "I A POWERFUL INFLUENCE tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama." There can be no doubt (119) that the Internet has made a huge difference 111. In the first line, the writer says “it is claimed” because to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the A. he wants to distance himself from the statement Internet, hardly (120) doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, B. he totally disagrees with the statement parents are (121) to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want C. everybody except the writer agrees with the statement to know if it can be harmful for their children. Should parents worry if their D. he wants to emphasize that it is his own claim children are spending that much time (122) their computers?
  4. 137. “Jim, why don't you open a new account on Facebook or Twitter?” said B. Pete telephoned me after I had already finished updating my social networking Jane. profile. A. Jane suggested Jim opened a new account on Facebook or Twitter. C. Hardly I had finished updating my social networking profile when Pete B. Jane suggested Jim opens a new account on Facebook or Twitter. telephoned me. C. Jane suggested Jim should open a new account on Facebook or Twitter. D. When Pete telephoned me, I finished updating my social networking profile. D. Jane suggested Jim to open a new account on Facebook or Twitter. 144. It was the first time she had ever seen such a moving documentary, 138. This music concert wouldn't have been possible without your sponsorship. A. She had never seen a moving documentary before. A. If you didn't sponsor, this music concert wouldn't have been possible. B. She had seen such a moving documentary for a long time. B. Your sponsorship made it possible for this music concert to take place. C. She had never seen a more moving documentary than this before. C. If it had been for your sponsorship, this music concert wouldn't have been D. The first time she saw such a moving documentary was a long time ago possible. 145. I was not in the mood for taking part in a chatting forum. D. It's possible that your sponsorship made this music concert impossible. A. I didn't want to join in a chatting forum. 139. The New York Times reports that Brad was awarded the first prize. B. I was not in a good mood then to chat to you. A. It's reported that Brad wins the first prize. C. Having a serious conversation made me moody. B. It's reported that Brad to be awarded the first prize. D. I was in a bad mood because of taking part in a chatting forum. C. Brad is reported to have been awarded the first prize. D. The first prize is reported to award to Brad. 140. If I had known about their wedding plan earlier, I would have been able to make time to attend the reception party. The End A. I knew their wedding would be planned earlier so I made some time to attend the reception party. B. I wish I had known their wedding plan sooner so that I could arrange time to attend the reception party. Download useful books here: C. I don't know their wedding plan earlier so I can't make time to attend the reception party. D. When I knew their wedding party, it was too late to attend the reception party. 141. The horror film didn't come up to our expectations. A. The horror film fell short of our expectations. B. We expected the horror film to end more abruptly. C. We expected the horror film to be more boring. D. The horror film was as good as we expected. 142. No sooner had I turned on my new PC than there was a strange noise. A. As soon as there was a strange noise, I turned on my new PC. B. Scarcely had I turned on my new PC when there was a strange noise. C. Hardly I had turned on my new PC, there was a strange noise. D. I had hardly turned on my new PC than there was a strange noise. 143. By the time Pete telephoned me, I had already finished updating my social networking profile. A. Pete telephoned me while I was updating my social networking profile.