Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 3: The green movement

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  1. 28. Information technology has our lives. A. bring out B. form C. produce D. terminate A. evolved B. reserved 42. Her only problem is the limited experience because she is too young. C. assimilated D. transformed A. narrow B. considerable 29. We need to act quickly to to climate change, or it will be a disaster for C. insufficient D . restricted the whole planet. 43. The river is badly polluted with toxic chemicals from that factory. A. adapt B. go back C. reverse D. transit A. poisonous B. harmful C. all right D. deadly 30. There is little of things improving soon. 44. I don't believe in anything he says, he is unreliable. A. probability B. probably C. probable D. A. inaccurate B. unstable C. trustworthy D. probabilities irresponsible Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST 45. 'If we continue to deplete our planets natural resources, we will damage the in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. environment significantly. 31. For environmental safety, we need to find ways to reduce emission of fumes A. use up B. add to C. reduce D. exhaust and smoke of factories. 46. She stays incredibly focused and is never distracted by others. A. leak B. release C. poison D. pollutant A. disturbed B. confused 32. Nylon is a man-made fibre, the use of which has helped more people to have C. bewildered D. concentrated cheaper and more colourful clothes to wear. 47. Globally, farmers encroach on forest land to grow crops. A. natural B. plastic C. synthetic D. artificial A. leave B. invade C. make road to D. intrude 33. The advances of commercial airplanes resulted in a shrinking world. 48. Poverty in many African countries increases the likelihood that people A. decreasing B. reduced C. smaller D. poach animals to earn their living. compressing A. chance B. prospect 34. We have to suffer from traffic congestion and pollution every day. C . possibility D. improbability A. accident B. fullness C. mass D. crowd 49. Funds are diverted from conservation to military because of war. 35. Many animals were born in captivity. Resultantly, they do not always breed A. redirected B. shifted well. C. stayed D. turned aside A. imprisonment B. lock C. detention D. freedom 50. The number of rhinos is in steady decline. There are fewer rhinos than ever 36. The African rhino is an endangered species and needs protecting. before. A. unstable B. dangerous C. insecure D. A. occasional B. constant C. stable D. Persistent indefensible PART III. GRAMMAR 37. We can protect many species by keeping them in wildlife reserves. Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B or C to indicate the correct sentence type A. protected land B. saved land C. park D. Zoo for each of the following questions. 38. Scientists are trying to find an energy that consumes less fuel. 51. The yoga room of this fitness centre smells of rose and lemongrass. A. waste B. destroy C. eat up D. use A. simple B. compound C. complex 39. Modern buildings are designed to maximize natural light. 52. My mother wants me to take up violin but I don't want to do it. A. absorb B. increase C. let D. diminish A. simple B. compound C . complex 40. It's wise to use local fresh produce which is in season. 53. The students' interests are in maths and science rather than history and A. cars B. restaurants C. crops D. water literature. Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE A. simple B. compound C. complex in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 54. My group is being involved in a competition for the best singers. 41. The new policy will help generate more jobs. A. simple B. compound C. complex
  2. 88. I heard everything which he said and I was really upset. 101. Anything to drink? A B C D A. Well-done! B. Just water please. 89. I spent my holiday in a country which is peaceful and picturesque. C. Yes, I will have soup and beef. D. Maybe I will go. A B C D 102. Excuse me, is this seat taken? 90. The sign is one of the five senses that are vital to anyone. A. No, it isn't. B. No never. A B C D C. No, I am OK. D. No, I don't want to. PART IV. SPEAKING 103. Do you know which animal sleeps the most? Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to A. Let me see it. B. Let me think. each of the following exchanges. C. Let me try it. D. Let me down. 91. Did you have a good weekend? 104. Excuse me, could I talk to the manager? A. Yes, let's keep in touch. B. Yes, I am a teacher. A. Yes, I would love to. B. Yes, I will give it to you. C. Yes, it is lovely. D. Yes, I didn't do much. C. Yes, of course. D. Yes, thank you. 92. During the trip, we can visit some wildlife reserves to see lions and giraffes. 105. Everyone should learn more about how to treat the environment well. A. That's great. How does it work? B. Oh, I see. No problem. A. I am sure about that. B. That's not sure. C. Really? I am so excited. D. That was OK at first. C. I don't think so. D. It's not true. 93. Can I leave a message to Jim? PART V. READING A. I'll ask him to call you. B. Of course, you can. Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to C. If you don't mind. D. Yes, you can take it. indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered 94. You should not leave the light on when you are away. blanks. A. OK, let's do it. B. That's a good idea. Every night, almost one billion people go to bed hungry. How can we feed all C. Try me! D. You are right. these (106) people? Farmers all over the world have to content with 95. Excuse me! Can you show me the way to Main Street? weather, insects, and natural disasters, which are capable of (107) crops A. Um, I am sorry I have no idea. B. It's easy to do it. and ruining years of hard work. And the population is set to rise to nine billion C. Continue. D. Am I going right? by 2050. Here are four possible solutions. 96. What's the matter? GM CROPS A. No, I don't think so. B. A few problems. Proponents of genetically modified crops (GM crops) claim that they will C. Well, sort of. D. I am not very well. hugely (108) food production. Scientists have developed drought-resistant 97. Would you mind closing the door? and disease-resistant crops, more productive crops, and crops with increased A. Yes, I do. B. No, of course not. vitamins. Anti-GM protesters worry (109) health risks and damage to C. Yes, please D. No, thank you. other plants that grow near the GM crops. 98. The shop opens from Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. VERTICAL FARMING A. Really? That's wonderful. B. There's no way I can do it. Another answer could be to grow food in buildings. (110) of vertical C. There's one around the corner. D. Yes, of course, I will join you. farming are suggesting we construct multistory, climate-controlled farm 99. Hi, what are you looking for? buildings in the heart of our cities. One indoor hectare of land would be (111) A. Yes, I usually look for things. B. No way I am gonna show you. to above five hectares outdoors, so we could grow year-round crops that C. Oil. Oil that we use for cooking. D. OK, I'll take it. would easily feed whole cities. Opponents point to the cost, the increased 100. Hi, Alice. Would you like to go to the movies tonight? energy used and the effect on farmers. A. Fine. I'll be there. B. Thanks. I love to. Eat less meat Others say the solution lies not (112) new technologies, but C. I'll be ready in no time. D. Why? What's the matter? in eating less meat. It takes about seven kilos of corn to produce one kilo of
  3. C. You can help the coral reefs by educating not only yourself but people interests of the world to conserve this stuff, but tangible reasons for a whole around you. different group," he said. D. Human activities which cause greenhouse gases are major reasons for the 123. The overall profit that the continent lost a year can be estimated to climate change. A. 25 million USD B. 100,000 USD 122. The word conscious in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to C. 26 million USD D. 9 million USD A. knowledgeable B. curious 124. Which of the following statements is TRUE? C. aware D. acknowledgeable A. To get to the conclusion, scientists compared the changes in number of Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to tourists and number of elephants in 2009. indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. B. The only reason why illegal poaching is so difficult to stop is corruption. The poaching crisis wiping out Africa's elephants is costing the continent's C. Protecting elephants is for the both the practical and immaterial reasons. economies millions in lost tourism revenue, according to a new study. D. There is an argument over the differences in the balance between the loss and Researchers looked at visitor and elephant data across 25 countries, and the cost to protect the elephants. modeled financial losses from fewer visitors in protected areas due to the illegal 125. Which of the following statements is NOT true? wildlife trade, which has caused elephant numbers to plummet by more than A. Across the continent, the amount of money spent on protecting the elephant 100,000 in the last decade. (A) is smaller than the loss tourist industry is suffering from. The study team combined visitor numbers across 164 protected areas in 25 B. The number of tourists reduces because now it is more difficult for them to countries in forest and savannah elephants, and elephant population data from see the elephants in the wild. 2009 to 2013, to reach a “per elephant" value in terms of tourism income. C. One reason why elephants are killed in mass volume is from the increasing They concluded that Africa was most likely losing $26m in tourism revenue a market of ivory in South East Asia. year. (B) Around $9m of that is lost from tourists' direct spending, such as D. Relating poaching to financial benefits can be considered as one of the staying at hotels and buying crafts, with the rest through indirect value in the solutions to the problem. economy such as farmers and other suppliers supporting the tourist industry. 126. Which of the positions marked in the passage does the phrase "but the The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, found that in most financial argument did not stack up in all areas,” best fit? cases the revenue losses were higher than paying for stronger anti-poaching A. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D) measures to keep elephant populations stable. (C) Dr. Robin Naidoo, the paper's 127. The word plummet in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to lead author and , senior conservation wildlife scientist at WWF and his team A. fall B. fluctuate C. rise D. Stabilize found. In the case of central Africa's forest elephants, which are harder for 128. The word sophisticated in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to tourists to see and therefore attract fewer visitors, the costs of protecting them A. simple B. outdated exceed the benefits from tourism. Demand from south-east Asia has seen the C. advanced D. basic price of ivory triple since 2009 and it is estimated that one elephant is killed 129. The word motivate in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to every 15 minutes. (D) Corruption, a lack of resources, and, most importantly, A. change B. design C. form D. inspire increasingly sophisticated poachers have hamstrung African countries' efforts 130. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? to stem the trade. A. Elephant poaching costs African millions in tourism revenue Naidoo said that the research was not suggesting economic issues should be B. Elephant poaching does more good than harm the only consideration when protecting elephants, but framing the poaching C. Elephant poaching brings an opportunity for Africa to change crisis as a financial one could motivate African governments and communities. D. Elephant poaching reduces the number of elephants in Africa “It gives an additional reason for some groups of people, who may not PART VI. WRITING necessarily be motivated by intrinsic reasons for conversation, to engage with Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is biodiversity conservation. It makes it clear to them that it's not just in the best closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
  4. C. Angry with his boss he is, he quitted his job immediately. D. He was so angry with his boss although quitting his job immediately. 144. Something hit the door. I heard a slam. A. Something hit the door but I heard a slam. B. Something hit the door when I heard a slam. C. Something hit the door though I heard a slam. D. Something hit the door for I heard a slam. 145. He doesn't like going out. He doesn't invite any friends home. A. He either goes out or invites any friends home. B. He neither goes out nor invites any friends home. C. He not only goes out but also invites any friends home. D. He goes out but not invites any friends home. The End Download useful books here: