Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 1: Life stories

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 1: Life stories

  1. 36. I used to idolize David Beckham because of his dedication and talent. Part III. GRAMMAR A. hate B. impress C. worship D. detest Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to 37. Linda is very outgoing, however, her brother is quite reserved. each of the following questions. A. open B. sociable C. easygoing D. shy 51. We to the hospital to visit Mike when he to say that he was fine. 38. Ideally, I'd like to work at home but there is no way my boss agrees with A. were driving - was calling B. drove - called that. C. were driving – called D. drove - was calling A. Generally B. Luckily C. Preferably D. Fortunately 52. What to you on Sunday night? 39. Morgan Freeman began to land big roles and won critical and popular A. happen B. happened C. was happening D. would happen acclaim after years of small parts and limited success. 53. Last night, we for you for ages but you never up. A. arrive B. gain C. deliver D. Cause A. waited – showed B. would wait - showed 40. Recognizable smaller than most of the kids in his age group, Lionel Messi C. were waiting - were showing D. waited – was showing was diagnosed by doctors as suffering from a hormone deficiency that restricted 54. We our quality time when the unexpected guess his growth. A. had – came B. were having - came A. inadequacy B. sufficiency C. abundance D. strength C. had been having – came D. have had – would have come Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE 55. Since they us they to visit us last Sunday, we forward to the day. in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. A. were telling - came - looked B . would tell – would visit - would look 41. During the Great Depression, many people suddenly found themselves C. told – would come - were looking D. tell - are coming - will look jobless after a night. 56. I out last night but at the last minute I that I had a quiz this morning. A. unemployed B. redundant C. unoccupied D. supplementary A. was going to go – realized B. went – realized 42. I was relieved by the news that they had gone home safe and sound. C. had gone – would realize D. would go - have realized A. comforted B. concerned C. relaxed D. lightened 57. She hasn't paid as much attention to her children as she since 43. She comes from an admirable and respectable family. she working. A. good B. respected C. unworthy D. dignified A. does – starts B. did - started 44. They are going to have to amputate his left leg which was badly injured in C. was doing - was starting D. has done - would start the accident. 58. My brother at the road when he into a hole. A. remove B. separate C. cut off D. mend A. wasn't looking - was falling B. didn't look - has fallen 45. Her identity will never be revealed in order to protect her children from C. wasn't looking – fell D. won't look - fall being judged. 59. Magellan the first European who through the strait. A. uncovered B. proclaimed C. leaked D. hid A. was - was sailing B. was being - was sailing 46. There are several interesting things emerging from the report. C. had been – sailed D. was - sailed A. fading B. rising C. coming up D. developing 60. The first self-sufficient village in Britain the Norman's idea. They were 47. This boy is poorly-educated and doesn't know how to behave properly. some strange invaders who to change the country in a better way. A. uneducated B. knowledgeable C. ignorant D. rude A. was – hoped B. is - have hoped 48. I prefer reading fictional stories to hearing about real events. C. have been - were hoping D. was being - had hoped A. imaginary B. unreal C. existent D. legendary 61. Who is girl over there with Jimmy? 49. It is not fair to give such a challenging task to an inexperienced staff like her. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø A. comprehensible B. difficult C. provocative D. intriguing 62. The boss needs an assistant with good knowledge of foreign trade 50. White blood cells help defend the body against infection. A. a B. the C. any D. Ø A. fight B. cover C. protect D. abandon 63. We are having terrible weather which is quite strange. Usually weather in UK is not this bad. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 26 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 – THÍ ĐIỂM UNIT ONE – LIFE STORIES
  2. A. Thanks, I'd love to. B. Good. I'll call you. graphics company into Pixar, the company behind Toy Story and The Monster C. Just a minute. D. Fine, I'll be ready Inc. 97. What are you doing? His countercultural lifestyle and philosophy was a product of the time and A. I see. I will tell Tom about it. place of his (109) Jobs was adopted and raised in San Francisco Bay Area B. I am seeing Tom. Do you have anything to tell him? during the 1960s. In 1972, Jobs attended Reed College from which he (110) in C. I am reading the note Tom left to me. next to no time. Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 in order to sell Apple I personal D. I am doing fine. computer. At that moment, he might (111) imagine that only a year later the 98. I am so happy. I have just passed my history exam. company tasted impressive victory with Apple II, one of the first highly A. Congratulations! B. What's the matter? successful (112) personal computers. (113) , in 1985, following a long power C. Get well soon! D. Thanks a lot struggle, Jobs was forced out of Apple. After leaving Apple, Jobs took (114) of 99. Would you mind moving your suitcase? its members with him to found NeXT, a computer development company which A. Yes, please! B. No, not at all. was then bought by Apple. The purchase (115) Jobs to become the company's C. Of course! D. Oh, I am sorry to hear. CEO once again. 100. Do you know anything about Mrs. Jackson? Steve Jobs died in 2011 after battling with pancreatic cancer (116) nearly a A. Yes, that's the way it is. B. Oh, I know how you feel. decade. Millions first learned of Job's death on a (117) which had been C. No, nothing . D. Excuse me. invented by himself. 101. Would you like some cookies? I have just baked them. 106. A. most B. almost C. the most D. mostly A. Thank you. Yes, I would. B. Take it easy. 107. A. widely B. hardly C. legally D. nationally C. Yes, I think so. D. Here you are. 108. A. translated B. transferred C. transformed D. transited 102. Shall we talk about Larry or Oprah? 109. A. increase B. upbringing C. rising D. grow A. Never mind. There is always something to do. 110. A. dropped in B. dropped up C. dropped out D. dropped by B. We'd better talk about them both. 111. A. hardly B. truly C. effortlessly D. frequently C. Wow! They are adorable. 112. A. massly-produced B. mass-produced D. Oh, I see what you mean. C. massive-produced D. massproducing 103. What kind of books do you like? 113. A. Generally B. Frankly C. Fortunately D. Unfortunately A. No, I don't have any hobbies. B. Nothing special. 114. A. few B. a few C. a little D. little C. Novels. I believe. D. I believe novels are boring. 115. A. was allowing B. has allowed C. allowed D. had allowed 104. I think it is the best movie I have ever seen. 116. A. for B. since C. during D. of A. Me neither. B. Me too. C. Not me. D. Same to you. 117. A. devil B. deviation C. deviant D. device 105. Did you watch The Voice last night? Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to A. For a while, then I had to study. B. Not now. I am studying. indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. C. Yes, sir. D. Yes, please. Born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland, to Fred and Debbie Phelps, the Part V. READING Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the youngest of three children, Michael Phelps and his sisters grew up in the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each neighbourhood of Rodger Forge. His father, Fred, a former all-rounded athlete, of the numbered blanks. was a state trooper and his mother Debbie was a middle-school principal. When Nowadays, everybody knows Apples and (106) everybody knows that the Phelps's parents divorced in 1994, he and his siblings lived with their mother, company was founded by Steve Jobs, an American inventor and entrepreneur. with whom Michael grew very close. Even at the age of 7, Phelps was still a He is (107) recognized as a pioneer in the field of microcomputer revolution. little scared to put his head under water, so his instructors allowed him to float He helped design the first Macintosh computer, (108) a small computer around on his back. Not surprisingly, despite the fact that later he is very good at Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 26 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 – THÍ ĐIỂM UNIT ONE – LIFE STORIES
  3. B. As a child, she was quite rebellious. B. I'd rather our presentation change the topic. C. She didn't work part time as a university student. C. It's high time that we changed the topic of our presentation. D. She used not to be a home secretary. D. I suggest we to change the topic of our presentation. 127. She first became a member of parliament in 137. When I was young, I wasn't allowed to watch much TV. A. 1992 B. 1994 C. 1997 D. 2013 A. When I was young, my parents did not make me watch much TV. 128. Her reason to consider walking as one of her main hobbies is B. When I was young, my parents did not let me watch much TV. A. she is quite critical B. it helps her fight diabetes C. When I was young, my parents did not ask me to watch much TV. C. someone asks about it D. it is written on Balance magazine D. When I was young, my parents did not take me to watch much TV. 129. The word approach in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to 138. I only glimpsed her briefly, but I am sure it was Mary. A. means B. advance C. technique D. trick A. Mary only had a brief glimpse, but I am sure. 130. The word hedonistic in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to B. I only had a brief glimpse of her, but I am sure it was Mary. A. ordinary B. luxurious C. economical D. simple C. I only glimpsed briefly but I am sure it was Mary. Part VI. WRITING D. Mary only glimpsed me briefly but I am sure it was her. Exercise 11. Mark the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the sentence that is Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best closest in meaning to each of the following questions. combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 131. Connor is said to be very ambitious and aggressive. 139. A car hit the fence of my garden. I was cleaning the swimming pool. A. People regard Connor as an ambitious and aggressive person. A. While a car hit the fence I was cleaning the swimming pool. B. People talk Connor as an ambitious and aggressive person. B. A car hit the fence and I was cleaning the swimming pool. C. People believe in Conor as an ambitious and aggressive person. C. I was cleaning the swimming pool when a car hit the fence. D. People feel Conor as an ambitious and aggressive person. D. I was cleaning the swimming pool then a car hit the fence. 132. You can always count on me. 140. My daughter asks for money every day. I am really annoyed by it. A. I'll never take you down. B. I'll never let you down. A. I am really annoyed by my daughter asks for money every day. C. I'll never hold you down. D. I'll never make you down. B. My daughter is asking for money every day. 133. Nobody in my class is as outgoing as I am. C. I am really annoyed by it, my daughter asks for money every day. A. I am as outgoing as nobody in my class. D. My daughter is always asking for money every day. B. I am the more outgoing than nobody in my class. 141. She looked up. She saw a big tiger approaching. C. I am the most outgoing person in my class. A. Looking up, a big tiger approached her. D. I am not as outgoing as people in my class. B. Looked up, she saw a big tiger approaching. 134. It is pointless to ask me about it because I know nothing. C. Looking up, she saw a big tiger approaching. A. It's no use asking me about it because I know nothing. D. Look up, she saw a big tiger approaching. B. It's no use to ask me about it because I know nothing. 142. I have presented about Oprah Winfrey. I hope the story would inspire you C. It's not use asking me about it because I know nothing. all. D. It's not use to ask me about it because I know nothing. A. I have presented about Oprah Winfrey to hope the story would inspire you 135. I have accustomed myself to getting up very early. all. A. I have used to getting up very early. B. I have presented about Oprah Winfrey hoping the story would inspire you all. B. I have been used to getting up very early. C. I have presented about Oprah Winfrey hope for the story would inspire you C. I have put getting up very early to good use. all. D. I have made use of getting up very early. D. I have presented about Oprah Winfrey hoped the story would inspire you all. 136. I think we should change the topic of our presentation. 143. Harry's life is rather dull. That's the reason why I don't want to talk about A. It's high time that we change the topic of our presentation. him. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 26 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 – THÍ ĐIỂM UNIT ONE – LIFE STORIES