Ôn tập kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh 10

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Nội dung text: Ôn tập kiểm tra môn Tiếng Anh 10

  1. 37. Hurry up! I don’t want (risk) (miss) the train. 38. I’m still looking for a job but I hope (find) something soon. 39. She doesn’t allow (smoke) in the hopuse. 40. I’ve never been to Ireland but I’d like (go) there. 41. I’m in a difficult question. What do you advise me (do)? 42. We were kept at the station for 2 hours and then we were allowed (go). 43. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me (read) it. 44. Where would you recommend me (go) for my holiday? 45. I wouldn’t recommend (eat) in that restaurant. The food is awful. 46. The film was very sad. It made me (cry). 47. Carol’s parents always encouraged her (study) hard at school. 48. They denied (steal) the money. 49. I don’t enjoy(drive) very much. 50. I don’t want (go) out tonight. I’m too tired. 51. I can’t afford (go) out tonight. I haven’t got any money. 52. Has it stopped (rain) yet? 53. Can you remind me(buy)some coffee when you go out? 54. Why do you keep (ask) me questions? Can’t you leave me alone? 55. Please stop (ask) me questions? 56. I refused (answer) any more questions. 57. One of the boys admitted (break) the window. 58. The boy’s father promised (pay) for the window to be repaired. 59. I’ve enjoyed (meet) you . I hope (see) you again soon. 60. The baby began (cry) in the middle of the night. 61. Julia has been ill but now she is beginning (get) better. 62. He needs (work) harder if she wants (make) progress. 63. Do you think my jacket needs (clean)? 64. Please try( be) quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep. 65. I tried (move) the table but it was too heavy. 66. -The radio isn’t working, I wonder what’s wrong with it. - Have you tried ( change) the batteries? 67. I’d love (go) to the party but it was impossible. 68. Janet had ( get) used to (drive) on the left. 69. The police prevented everyone from (leave) the building. 70. Please forgive me for (not write) to you. 71. There is no point in (have) a car if you never use it. 72. It’s a waste of time (buy) thing you don’t need. 73. I shouted ( warn) people of the danger. 74. The President has a team of bodygaurds ( protect)him. 75. She is bound (pass) the exam. 76. He is difficult ( understand) 77. I was interested (hear) that Diane has got a new job. 78. We weren’t allowed (leave) the building.
  2. 20. There is no point (try) to persuade Jonh. 21. She insisted (help) me with my luggage. 22. She is on the point (lose) his temper. 23. My father was just (retire). 24. He was sacked (be) rude to the boss. 25. She was accused (be) a liar. 26. My father gave (smoke) 5 years ago. 27. Although he received a degree in maths, he tried his best to go (study) a course in E. 28. I’m very fond (learn) English. 29. We had no difficult (solve) this problem 30. She is fed (queue) for her unemployment benefit every thursday. Exercises on gerund and to-infinitive 1.Our front gate is falling to pieces. It really wants (repair) 2. I was beginning ( think) I was wrong. 3. I dread (visit) the dentist. 4. I dread (think) about what has happened. 5. I prefer (walk) to ( cycle). 6. I had just sarted (eat) when the waiter took my plate away. 7. Would you like ( come) to the beach with us tomorrow. 8. I hate (disturb) you but I’m going to. 9.I hate (tell) you this , but your jacket’s torn. 10. I hate ( wait) for buses. 11. What will you have? - I’d prefer (have) steak, please. 12. Have you forgotten (meet) me years ago? 13. I remember (visit) Paris when I was very young. 14. Please remember( lock) the door on your way out. 15. Did you remember (phone Jim last night? 16. I shall never forget (be) taken to see the Moscow State Circus. 17. Don’t forget ( find) out how many are coming on saturday. 18.I forgot (go) to the chemist’s on my way home. 19. We all tried ( stop) him, but he just wouldn’t listen to anyone. 20. If you want (stop) (cough), Why don’t you try (drink) some water? 21. She got annoyed because her husband stopped (look) in every shop window. 22. Just stop (talk) and listen for a moment. 23. If we hadn’t turnedthe music off they’d have gone on (dance) till morning. 24. she got a degree in physics and then went on ( take) a course in Applied maths. 25. I regret (tell) you that there’s been an accident. 26. He regretted (stay) in the same job for so long. 27. He hates ( do ) the washing up. 28. I’d hate ( spend) Christmas alone. 29. I’m beginning ( understand) why he acted as he did.
  3. 66. I’ll stop (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes. 67. I can’t get this table through the door. Have you tried ( take) off the legs? 67. The house needs (paint) soon. 68.Mary will need (make) a new dress for the party. 69. Would you like (come)to a lecture on Wagner tonight?- No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people talking about it. 70. Do you feel like (dine) out or Would you rather (have) dinner at home? -I’d loke (go) out. 71. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again(ask) someone the way. 72. When I caught them cheat me , I stopped(buy) petrol there and started ( deal) with your garage instead. 73. The lecturer began by telling us where the island was and went on ( talk) about its history. 74.I wish I hadn’t tried ( repair) it. I only made it worse. 75. I regret ( say) that I won’t be able to come to the party , but I hope you have a great time. 76. I regret ( say )that We’ve decided not to offer you the job. 77. I regret (say) that I don’t like your new boy friend. 78. He remembered (see) Jane on the way home from work. 79. She remembered ( send) her mother a birthday card. 80. He went on ( talk) about himself for hours and hours . 81. She was very angry with him for forgetting ( lock) the back door. 82. The Professor mentioned Botticelli, and went on (talk) about Renaissance. 83. I’ve tried (open) the bonnet , but it seems to be stuck. 84. Have you tried (clean) the spark plugs? 85. I’ll never forget (see) the Taj Mahal for the first. 86. I think we ought to stop (have) something to eat soon. 87. They stopped (go) out in the evening when they had their first child. 88. Your business is a complex shambles-the whole thing needs (reorganise). 89. I meant ( write) him a letter of condolence, but I never got round to it. 90. If you do join the Navy, it’ll mean(be) away from home for months on end. 91. I’ve always regretted (not learn) to play the piano at school. 92. I dread (think) what he’s going to say when he finds out I’ve crashed the car. 93. I need (have) a word in your ear. It’s about your trip to Italy nextweek. 94. The house is a wreck. If you buy it , it’ll mean (live) in chaos for months. 95. After three months without work, he regretted (leave) his safe job at the bank. 96. She dreaded (have) to see her ex-husband again in court. 97. They don’t allow (smoke) in the auditorium, they don’t want (risk) setting on fire. 98. Your hair needs (cut). 99.Please stop (ask) me such stupid questions. 100. I didn’t mean (upset) you. 101. He remembers part of her childhood quite clearly.