Một số bài tập có đáp án chi tiết môn Tiếng Anh 10

docx 2 trang bichngan 26/12/2022 3000
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  • docxmot_so_bai_tap_co_dap_an_chi_tiet_mon_tieng_anh_10.docx

Nội dung text: Một số bài tập có đáp án chi tiết môn Tiếng Anh 10

  1. 24. ___ did the Sencond World War end ? - In 1945. A. How long B. What C. Where D. When 25. Mary: “Shall we eat out tonight?” – Sarah: “ ___.” A. That’s a great idea B. That’s acceptable C. You are very welcome D. It’s kind of you to invite Error Identifying 1. Little Tom doesn’t go to school on time yesterday. A B C D 2. We agree meeting at the bookstore after school. A B C D 3. My mother promises to buy me a laptop in my birthday. A B C D 4. She borrows a lot of English books from the school library last week. A B C D Read the pasage and choose a suitable word for each blank. Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby (1) ___ is both interesting and fun. And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection on their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime. Starting your collection is easy (2) ___ stamps can be found everywhere. Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (3) ___ you with stamps (4) ___ all over the world. But once you have started collecting seriously, you will probably want (5) ___ the Stamp Collectors’ Club which live to provide collectors with new British stamps. 1. A. what B. whose C. which D. where 2. A. moreover B. because C. furthermore D. addition 3. A. export B. provide C. consider D. take 4. A. from B. about C. with D. of 5. A. joined B. joining C. join D. to join Sentence building 1. She/ like/ sleep late/ weekends. -> . 2. The boys/ enjoy/ play football/ Sundays. -> . 3. He / not/ come/ here/ yesterday. -> . Rewrite these sentences 1. It’s nice. Let’s go camping. ( Now that) -> . 2. Mai finished her homework. She watched her favourite film. (after) -> 3. My uncle does exercises regularly. He is strong and healthy. (so) -> .