Bài tập Global Success 10 - Unit 3: Music (Part 2)

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  1. 44. participate in (v) /pɑːrˈtɪsəpeɪt tham gia vào ɪn/ 45. perform (v) /pəˈfɔːm/ trỡnh diễn 46. performance (n) /pəˈfɔːməns/ buổi trỡnh diễn 47. performer (n) /pəˈfɔːmə(r)/ người biểu diễn 48. popular (adj) /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ phổ biến 49. praise (v) /preɪz/ ca ngợi 50. preparation (n) /ˌprepəˈreɪʃn/ sự chuẩn bị 51. programme (n) /ˈprəʊɡrổm/ chương trỡnh 52. reach (v) /riːtʃ/ đạt được 53. reality (n) /riˈổləti/ thực tế 54. receive (v) /rɪˈsiːv/ nhận được 55. runner-up (n) /ˌrʌnər ˈʌp/ người về nhỡ, ỏ quõn 56. semi-final (n) /ˌsemi ˈfaɪnl/ vũng bỏn kết 57. singer (n) /ˈsɪŋə(r)/ ca sĩ 58. single (n) /ˈsɪŋɡl/ đĩa đơn 59. social media (n) /soʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə/ mạng xó hội 60. spread (v) /spred/ trải rộng 61. stage (n) /steɪdʒ/ sõn khấu 62. take place (v) /teɪk pleɪs/ tổ chức 63. talented (adj) /ˈtổləntɪd/ tài năng 64. ticket (n) /ˈtɪkɪt/ vộ 65. trumpet (n) /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ kốn trumpet 66. tv series (n) /ˌtiːˈviː ˈsɪriːz/ phim truyền hỡnh dài tập 67. upload (v) /ˌʌpˈləʊd/ tải lờn 68. voice (n) /vɔɪs/ giọng 69. worship (v) /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ tụn thờ B. GRAMMAR: I. COMPOUND SENTENCES (CÂU GHẫP): Cõu ghộp (compound sentences) là dạng cõu được hỡnh thành bởi 2 hoặc nhiều mệnh đề độc lập. Cỏc mệnh đề này được nối với nhau bởi cỏc liờn từ (Conjunction) . Mệnh đề + LIấN TỪ + Mệnh đề * Cỏc liờn từ (conjunction) thường gặp: For : Bởi vỡ => Dựng để chỉ nguyờn nhõn And : Và => Dựng để thờm ý kiến Nor : Cũng khụng => Dựng để bổ sung một ý kiến phủ định But : Nhưng => Dựng để chỉ sự trỏi ngược Or : Hoặc => Dựng để chỉ sự lựa chọn Yet : Nhưng => Dựng để chỉ ý kiến trỏi ngược 2
  2. dare (dỏm) expect (mong đợi) want (muốn) require (đũi hỏi) tell (bảo) hire (thuờ) encourage (khuyến khớch) urge (thỳc giục) warn (bỏo trước) teach (dạy) force (buộc) Vớ dụ: 1. He somehow persuades his parents to buy him a motorbike. 2. I’ve warned you many times not to leave the front door unlocked. 3. “How many times have I told you not to play football in the street?” 4. His parents encourage him to take part in the competition. 3. Một số động từ theo sau là tõn ngữ + V0 (V + O + V0): 1. Make + O + V0 Khiến/bắt ai đú làm gỡ 2. Let + O + V0 Để cho ai đú làm gỡ 3. Help + O + to V0/ V0 Giỳp đỡ ai đú làm gỡ 4. Let’s + V0 Chỳng ta hóy 5. see / hear / smell / feel / notice /watch + O + Nhỡn thấy/ nghe thấy/ ai đú làm gỡ (chứng kiến toàn V0 bộ quỏ trỡnh) Vớ dụ: 1. I heard him open the window last night. 2. Our teacher made us apologise for our rudeness. 3. Lucy helps me to do/do my homework. 4. Mary’s parents let her go to the movie with her friends. 5. Let’s go out for dinner! C. EXCERCISES: I-PRONUNCIATION E1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. become B. idol C. comment D. season Question 2: A. perform B. release C. receive D. talent Question 3: A. talent B. artist C. award D. famous Question 4: A. theatre B. movie C. famous D. attend Question 5: A. enjoy B. perform C. suffer D. agree Question 6: A. weather B. birthday C. boring D. expect Question 7: A. singer B. receive C. programme D. lyrics Question 8: A. compose B. careful C. second D. album Question 9: A. upload B. theatre C. receive D. guitar Question 10: A. singer B. compose C. common D. programme Question 11: A. favour B. enjoy C. reveal D. perform Question 12: A. common B. music C. people D. perform Question 13: A. melody B. festival C. positive D. contestant E2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. single B. music C. contest D. release Question 2: A. compose B. purchase C. release D. increase Question 3: A. version B. process C. modest D. contestant Question 4: A. instrument B. platinum C. debut D. album Question 5: A. eliminate B. nominate C. originate D. passionate 4
  3. Question 18: The “Marching song” was adopted as the national ___ of Viet Nam in 1945. A. anthem B. song C. flag D. identity Question 19: I’m a fan of___music. It consists of simple tunes so it is easy to listen and remember. A. pop B. rock C. classical D. jazz Question 20: The ___ cheered loudly when the singers came out on the stage. A. audience B. spectator C. public D. watcher Question 21: Celine Dion has been my___since I was young. A. idol B. talent C. fan D. icon Question 22: We were surprised to know that over 150000 ___ packed into the stadium to support Vietnamese football team. A. people B. fans C. visitors D. watchers Question 23: But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music ___. A. show B. quiz C. competition D. tour Question 24: Our performance was ___ to be the best one in this competition last night. A. cheered B. appeared C. judged D. seen Question 25: In the last quarter of this year, our entertainment company had a big success in signing a lot of___ with celebrities. A. bargains B. contracts C. arrangements D. profits Question 26: Chopin was considered to be one of the greatest Romantic piano ___ of the 19th century. A. singers B. writers C. composers D. poets Question 27: We’re seeking for the ___musician to join our entertainment company. A. good B. famous C. great D. talented Question 28: These games are challenging, ___ it’s not easy to spend little time playing them. A. so B. and C. for D. or Question 29: I didn’t want to continue watching the show___it was more and more boring later. A. for B. or C. but D. and Question 30: He can’t decide whether to buy the tickets for the music show online___at the box office A. and B. or C. yet D. so Question 31: Smoking is extremely detrimental to health, ___ many people continue to smoke anyway. A. nor B. so C. yet D. then Question 32: Do you like singing___dancing? A. but B. yet C. so D. or Question 33: I admire Celine Dion___she has a nice voice. A. so B. and C. but D. for Question 34: He lost the key, ___ he couldn't get into the house. A. yet B. or C. so D. for Question 35: We were lost in the forest, ___ luckily my friend had a map in his backpack. A. and B. so C. for D. but Question 36: Pop music is so popular, ___ the melody is simple and memorable. A. for B. so C. and D. nor Question 37: Would you like a cup of milk tea ___ a cup of hot chocolate after dinner? A. and B. or C. yet D. so Question 38: Minh had his teeth decayed, ___ he refused to see the dentist. A. and B. so C. or D. but Question 39: You must do well in the test, ___ you will not graduate. A. so B. or C. for D. and Question 40: Anna thinks she ought to go to the university, ___ she wants to get qualifications for her dream job. A. and B. yet C. for D. so Question 41: You can go to the theatre with us___you can go there alone. 6
  4. Question 1: My parents decided ___ a taxi because it was late. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took Question 2: It began ___ when I was in London last Saturday. A. rain B. to rain C. rained D. rains Question 3: I saw her ___ the street. A. to cross B. crossed C. crosses D. cross Question 4: It's customary ___ a gift from at least once or twice before finally accepting in Japan. A. refuse B. to refuse C. refused D. refusing Question 5: We've decided ___ the music contest at the end of this year. A. to attend B. attending C. attends D. attend Question 6: We managed ___ their first album on social media. A. found B. founded C. finding D. to find Question 7: Don't let him ___ about his mother's illness now. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. known Question 8: It's dangerous ___ out alone late at night. A. gone B. going C. go D. to go Question 9: My parents didn't encourage me ___ Music at university. A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied Question 10: I’m happy ___ that you’ve passed your driving test. Congratulations! A. not hearing B. hear C. hearing D. to hear Question 11: Blake didn't invite her boyfriend ___ to her graduation ceremony. A. coming B. comes C. to come D. come Question 12: The clerk required me ___ in the form before letting me in. A. sings B. to sing C. to sang D. singing Question 13: I allow my little daughter ___ with her friends in the flower garden. A. not to play B. to play C. playing D. play Question 14: He didn't deserve ___ by the locals like that. A. to be treated B. treating C. to treat D. being treated Question 15: It's impolite ___ off your shoes before stepping into a Japanese house. A. to take B. not take C. not to take D. take Question 16: Jimmy forgot ___ the house, so it was broken into. A. to be locked B. locked C. lock D. to lock Question 17: Anna learnt how ___ cakes from her grandmother. A. making B. to make C. to made D. make Question 18: They intended ___ Paris last year but they didn't have enough time. A. visited B. visiting C. visit D. to visit Question 19: John made me ___ a lot with his hilarious jokes. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughed Question 20: Nothing can make Alex ___ her mind now. A. not to change B. to change C. change D. changing Question 21: Someone saw him ___ to a restaurant with his friends. A. to go B. be gone C. went D. go Question 22: Hurry up! The train is about ___ in five minutes. A. leave B. to leave C. left D. leaving Question 23: There are not enough candies ___ among all the children here. A. share B. shared C. to share D. sharing Question 24: I’d like ___ all of you to enjoy my party on this Friday. A. to invite B. inviting C. invite D. not invite Question 25: I saw my little sister ___ the dog yesterday. A. fed B. to feed C. feeds D. feed 8
  5. A. go B. going C. come D. coming Question 51: Tom said that he could ___ me with this assignment. A. helped B. helping C. to help D. help Question 52: Mai agreed ___ my old laptop. A. buying B. bought C. buys D. to buy Question 53: His teacher made him ___ for his bad behaviour. A. to apologised B. apologising C. to apologise D. apologise Question 54: Please don't hesitate ___ me when you arrive in Frankfurt. A. to call B. calling C. to calling D. call Question 55: They decided ___ to the live concert. A. go B. gone C. to go D. going Question 56: We intend ___ him the truth for fear that he’ll fly into a fit of madness. A. to tell B. telling C. not tell D. not to tell Question 57: I'd love ___ Paris one day. A. to visits B. to visit C. visiting D. visit Question 58: His parents didn't let him ___ to music school. A. to go B. goes C. going D. go Question 59: My younger sister is not reliable enough ___ my secrets to her. A. revealing B. reveal C. to reveal D. to revealing Question 60: I heard him ___ the window last night. A. to open B. opened C. opens D. open Question 61: He really wants ___ to play a musical instrument this summer. A. to lean B. learning C. leaning D. to learn E4: Make compound sentences using the conjunctions in brackets. Question 1: I'd like to go to the party. I'm too busy. (but) I'd like to go to the party but I'm too busy. Question 2: It was sunny. Lan took an umbrella. (so) It was sunny so Lan took an umbrella. Question 3: Anna is an amazing dancer. Her parents are proud of her. (and) Anna is an amazing dancer and her parents are proud of her. Question 4: You can vote online for your favourite singer. You can send text messages. (or) You can vote online for your favourite singer or you can send text messages. Question 5: Lisa went shopping yesterday She didn't buy anything. (but) Lisa went shopping yesterday but she didn't buy anything. 10